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Debt collection company accused of deceptive practices

On Behalf of | Jun 22, 2011 | Debt Relief

Dealing with debt can be difficult. It can be made even more difficult when debt collectors engage in deceptive or abusive practices. Consumers can suffer great harm when they are subjected to these wrongful practices. Thus, it is important for debt collection companies to make sure to not engage in such practices when attempting to collect money from consumers.

Recently, a federal case has arisen in Texas involving debt collection. The case involves a couple from Texas. The couple allegedly was contacted by a representative of a debt collection company in connection to an alleged debt.

The couple claims that the representative engaged in deceptive conduct towards them to try to collect the alleged debt. According to the couple, the representative threatened that the company would garnish the couple’s social security checks and would “take action” against them if the debt was not paid, even though the company had no intention of doing these things. The couple alleges that this conduct violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

The couple recently filed a lawsuit in a federal court in Texas against the debt collection company in connection to these allegations. It will be interesting to see how this case is resolved.

Consumers can suffer many harms when debt collectors engage in abusive or deceptive practices towards them. Thus, one hopes debt collectors will make sure to avoid subjecting consumers to conduct like that alleged in the above-mentioned case. One also hopes that debt collectors are held accountable when they do engage in wrongful practices when trying to collect money from a consumer.

Source: The Southeast Texas Record, “Plano couple sues debt collection company after threats to garnish social security checks,” Michelle Keahey, 20 Jun 2011


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