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Credit card debt: It doesn’t have to be onerous and perpetual

On Behalf of | Jan 25, 2013 | Debt Relief

Credit card debt is the heavy chain that hangs around the necks of many Americans, including Floridians who have encountered job loss, unexpected medical expenses, home foreclosure, staggering student debt repayment obligations and other payment exactions.

Once in the pool, it’s often hard – seemingly impossible, in the view of some debtors – to get out. It can seem hard enough simply treading water.

The reasons for that are clear, but not always readily apparent to some consumers who respond in good faith to the eager pitches of credit card companies. Those entities employ very sophisticated strategies – especially fee an repayment structures – to hook borrowers and keep them on the line for debt repayment perpetually.

And, as many a consumer has come to painfully know, the interest rates on cards can make continuing payments harder and harder to make as time goes by. Coupled with that, pressure – from rising costs, credit card company communications, creditors – can rise to seemingly insuperable levels.

A recent media article references just how pressure-ridden perpetual debt can be for consumers, noting that debt stress frequently results in anxiety, depression, ulcers, back pain and even more serious problems.

Some borrowers who have fallen in over their heads are simply resigned to a view that the status quo can’t be changed and that card companies will always have them backed into a corner.

Many millions of people, though, know that it does not have to be that way. Persons who have solicited the help of an experienced debt relief and bankruptcy attorney know that credit card debt is not a unilateral street to ruin. Rather, consultation with proven bankruptcy counsel can quickly reveal that there are many options for ridding oneself of cumbersome and unsustainable debt.

A consumer’s candid discussion with an experienced bankruptcy attorney can be the first step toward restoring hope and a secure financial future.

Source: Huffington Post, “Credit card debt: Study predicts millions will die in the red,” Laura Rowley, Jan. 22, 2013

  • We help consumers find solutions to debt problems. For more information, please visit our Miami, Florida, Credit Card Debt page.


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