Until recently, Ray Blacklidge was on a short list of potential hires for a very prominent state position, namely, the Florida insurance commissioner.
That is a heady job title in the state, given, as noted in a recent media article, that the commissioner “oversees one of the world’s largest insurance markets.”
Candidates with their hats in the selection ring all undoubtedly commanded financial acumen and resumes replete with financial management experience, with Blacklidge not being an exception. He is an attorney with a long-term tenure as executive vice president and general counsel of an insurance company.
Ultimately, he didn’t get the job.
Notwithstanding his passing over for the position, though, his personal tale is marked by a perseverance and success that many readers might reasonably find uplifting — especially individuals with pressing debt relief problems who are contemplating filing for bankruptcy.
That’s what Blacklidge did back in 2005, when he and his wife filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection after being overwhelmed by financial challenges.
Blacklidge never hid that fact from those who were considering him for the lofty commissioner post. And he recently addressed it publicly, noting that he “hit a rough bump in life and persevered through it and … was able to overcome it.”
He said that he wanted all Floridians to know that “we all hit bumps in life.”
Blacklidge purposefully and proactively responded to the financial challenge in his personal life and was able to effectively employ the legal remedy afforded through bankruptcy protection to overcome it.
Millions of others have done the same thing.