You Deserve To Get Your Life Back
Bankruptcy Attorneys In Miami-Dade, Broward And Monroe Counties

A Miami Bankruptcy Firm You Can Trust

Whether you have struggled financially for many years or you are dealing with sudden, unexpected money troubles, our lawyers are here to help. Kingcade Garcia McMaken has guided more than 15,000 clients through bankruptcy, foreclosure and other financial matters in Miami.

No matter what you are going through, chances are, we have seen it before. Our lawyers understand what you are facing. If you need to file bankruptcy, we can lead you through the process. Our attorneys have observed people of all ages, careers and income levels searching for a way out of debt in Miami.

Helping You Find Real Debt Relief

Many of our clients’ financial difficulties stem from unemployment and the real estate crisis in Florida and across the country. Florida has one of the highest foreclosure rates in the U.S., and many homeowners owe more on their home loans than their houses are worth.

Both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy can allow you to start over financially. At Kingcade Garcia McMaken, we know that you may be worried about how bankruptcy will affect your credit score. In reality, it can be the best way to start fresh and begin rebuilding your credit.

Set Up A Free Consultation

Contact our Miami bankruptcy law firm to put an end to harassment from creditors and for trusted guidance throughout the bankruptcy process. To schedule a free consultation, contact our office online or by phone at 305-285-9100.