Site Map
- About
- After Your Bankruptcy
- 3 smart moves to make after bankruptcy
- 3 Steps To Moving Forward After Bankruptcy
- 3 Steps to Take Before You File for Bankruptcy
- 4 ways to rebuild credit after filing for bankruptcy in Florida
- 5 Things Every Consumer Needs to Know About Bankruptcy
- 5 tips for managing student loans in Florida
- 5 Ways to Rebuild Credit After Filing for Bankruptcy
- As Student Loan Defaults Increase, So Do Lawsuits by Government
- Bankruptcy is Not About Gaming the System: Only a Fraction of Those in Need Are Filing
- Beware "do it yourself" bankruptcy kits in Florida
- Can I leverage Chapter 13 bankruptcy for business rejuvenation?
- Can you buy a home after filing bankruptcy?
- Change could be coming for student loan debt and bankruptcy
- Changing the Face of Foreclosure in Florida
- Check Your Credit Report for Free
- Consumers and businesses struggle, bankruptcy rates soar.
- Consumers May Have to Fight to Get Errors Corrected on Credit Reports
- Could Reporting Rental Payment History Improve Your Credit Score?
- Dealing with Creditors and Debt Collectors While Filing for Bankruptcy in Florida
- Debt Relief Through Settlement and Consolidation: Reality or Pipe Dream?
- Debtor and non-debtor spouse’s joint tax refund was exempt in bankruptcy
- Decline in Delinquent Mortgages: Are More Filing Bankruptcy or Just Walking Away?
- Discharge In Bankruptcy
- Discharging student debt based on undue hardship in Florida
- Drowning in Student Loan Debt?
- During and after bankruptcy, creditors must be kept in check
- Ex-spouse Missing Payments? You Might be Held Responsible
- FAQs about reaffirming a debt in a Florida Chapter 7 bankruptcy
- Filing Bankruptcy to Discharge Your Student Loan
- FL residents may find financial freedom through bankruptcy discharge
- Florida Courts May Begin Dismissing Foreclosure Lawsuits
- Florida Homestead Laws: What You Need to Know
- Florida leads nation in "zombie" foreclosures
- Florida Lenders Withhold Critical Information at Pre-Foreclosure Mediations
- Florida Supreme Court Case to Impact Thousands of Foreclosure Cases
- Florida’s New Harassment Law Has Yet to Show Its Teeth
- Four common myths about filing personal bankruptcy in Florida
- Freddie Mac Helps Unemployed Homeowners Buy Time
- Government Mortgage Modifications May Not Be Everything They Seem
- Government takes steps to address high student loan default rate
- Homeowners Frequently the Target of Mortgage Modification Scams
- Homeownership After Bankruptcy or Foreclosure? It’s Possible for Most
- How can I restore my credit after bankruptcy?
- How does a Chapter 13 bankruptcy work?
- How filing bankruptcy in South Florida can improve mental health
- How much does it cost to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
- How much will bankruptcy cost?
- How to Rebuild Your Credit Score After Bankruptcy
- How will bankruptcy affect my security clearance?
- How will filing bankruptcy affect my debts?
- Hurricane victims and bankruptcy: Is there a correlation?
- I cannot afford my medical bills. What are my options to manage this debt?
- Improper Documentation for Foreclosure Proceedings
- Independent Foreclosure Review Program Draws Criticism
- Is debt bad for my mental health?
- Is debt really forgiven during bankruptcy?
- Liquidation Exemptions in Florida Bankruptcy Law
- Major Medical Bills a Common Symptom of Bankruptcy Filings
- Miami Bankruptcy Attorney Timothy S. Kingcade Named a Florida Super Lawyer 10 Consecutive Years
- Miami has the second-highest credit card debt burden in the U.S.
- Mortgage Balance, Default and Foreclosure
- Mortgage Delinquencies Stuck in Holding Pattern
- New Foreclosure Laws in Florida May Restrict Access to Courts
- Past-due credit card bills can cause significant financial hardship
- Practice Of Robo-Signing By Banks Continues
- Proposed Legislation to Eliminate Judges from Foreclosure Proceedings will take away Individuals’ Property Rights and Deny their Ability to Access the Courts
- Protecting your finances after a hurricane hits
- Qualify for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy with High Interest Credit Card Debt
- Reasons your Chapter 7 bankruptcy case might be dismissed
- Rebuilding credit following bankruptcy
- Recovering After Filing for Bankruptcy
- Reducing Tax Debt through Bankruptcy
- SCOTUS case expands protections for debt collectors
- Seniors Seeking Relief in Bankruptcy During Retirement
- Short Sale Not Always the Answer and Not Always Easy
- Should consumers use bankruptcy as a financial tool?
- Should people use retirement accounts to pay off debt?
- Signs It's Time to Realize That a Personal Bankruptcy Makes Sense during the Current Covid-19 Pandemic
- Signs That It’s Time to Consider Personal Bankruptcy During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Student loan debt and bankruptcy in 2023: An update
- Student Loan Dischargeability in Bankruptcy
- Student loans subject to special standard in bankruptcy
- Study: People mistakenly leave student loans off bankruptcy filings
- Supreme Court issues important decision for Florida homeowners with a second mortgage
- The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: What It Means For You
- The Debt Ceiling Deal: How Will it Impact You?
- The growth of medical bankruptcies in the U.S.
- The HAFA Program: Another Option for Homeowners in Over Their Heads
- The Return of Debtors’ Prison? Not Exactly.
- The temptations – and dangers – of payday loans
- Three times when Chapter 13 is the better choice
- Tips for Dealing with the Emotional Effects of Bankruptcy
- Understanding recent bankruptcy trends: A guide for financial recovery
- Underwater on Your Mortgage? You Have Options
- What are my options if I am struggling with debt in 2024?
- What are the credit counseling course requirements for filing bankruptcy?
- What Does a Bankruptcy Lawyer Do? 3 Signs You Need One
- What happens if assets are not disclosed in bankruptcy?
- What happens if we agree to buy now, but can’t follow through and pay later?
- What is the process to discharge student loan debt in bankruptcy?
- What mortgage assistance scams should you watch out for?
- What should people understand about foreclosure in Florida?
- What to know about the Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan before filing.
- What You Need to be Aware of Dealing with a Bankruptcy and a Divorce Together
- What You Need to Know about Filing a Medical Bankruptcy
- When is bankruptcy good for my credit score?
- Why you should refrain from repaying debts before filing bankruptcy
- Will a recent CFPB decision limit collection of your student loans?
- Will bankruptcy rates soar in 2023?
- Will President Trump take a new approach on student loan debt?
- Women Face a Unique Set of Debt Issues in Event of Divorce
- Attorneys & Staff
Bankruptcy Overview
- Bankruptcy & Security Clearances
- Bankruptcy and Divorce
- Bankruptcy in Fort Lauderdale
- Bankruptcy in Miami
- Bankruptcy in the Florida Keys
- Borrower's Bill of Rights
- Choosing a Bankruptcy Attorney
- Consolidation Versus Bankruptcy
- Debt Settlement or Negotiation
- Emotional Aspects of Bankruptcy
- Secured and Unsecured Debt
- Settlement Versus Bankruptcy
- Single Mothers and Bankruptcy
- Tax Law
- The Not-So-New Bankruptcy Laws
- Case Results
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 7
- Client Testimonials
- Contact
- Abogados y Personal
- Acerca De
- Bancarrota y Préstamos Estudiantiles
- Capítulo 13
- Capítulo 7
- Capitulo 7 Para Pequeños Negocios
- Casas y Carros
- Cómo Trabaja La Bancarrota
- Consejos Para Tratar Con Cobradores de Deudas
- Contacto
- Después De Su Bancarrota
- Exenciones
- Hogar
- Mitos De Bancarrota
- Visión General de Bocarrota
- Can I Afford Bankruptcy?
- Can I File More Than Once?
- Can I get a Credit Card after Bankruptcy?
- Can One Spouse File Bankruptcy?
- Do Debt Relief Services Work?
- Do I have to Qualify for Bankruptcy?
- Do I Qualify for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13?
- How long will my Bankruptcy take? Will My home be Protected?
- How Will Bankruptcy Affect My Career?
- I need to file for bankruptcy but my Spouse doesn't. Can I file alone?
- Should I Cancel My Credit Cards to Improve My Credit Score?
- What Can I Keep After Bankruptcy?
- What Debt is Dischargeable Through Bankruptcy?
- What Documents Should I Keep To Prepare For Filing?
- What If I Do Nothing?
- What is the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
- What Should I do About a Creditor Lawsuit?
- When Should You Consider Filing
- Why You Need a Bankruptcy Attorney
- Will I Have to Go to Court?
- Filing for Bankruptcy: Keep These Dos and Don'ts in Mind
- Home
- How Bankruptcy Works
- Intake Form IV
- Miami Bankruptcy Attorney Timothy S. Kingcade Obtains Order Allowing Protections for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Client
- Miami Bankruptcy Attorney Timothy S. Kingcade Selected to Serve on the Super Lawyers Blue Ribbon Panel
- Miami, FL Office Location
- New E book Announcement Timothy S Kingcade
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Protecting Your Assets
- Florida Deficiency Judgments
- Florida Foreclosure Laws
- Foreclosure Defense
- Foreclosure Mediation in Florida
- Houses and Cars
- International Assets
- IRA Exemptions in Florida
- Mortgage Modifications and Foreclosure Scams
- Real Estate and Bankruptcy
- Small Business Bankruptcy
- Stripping a Second Mortgage in Florida
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Tips For Dealing With Debt Collectors
- Bankruptcy and Gambling Debts
- Bankruptcy and Immigration
- Bankruptcy and Short Sales
- Bankruptcy and Student Loans
- Bankruptcy and Taxes
- Bankruptcy for the Elderly
- Credit Card Debt
- Discharging Judgments
- Exemptions
- Florida Wage Garnishment Exemptions
- Loan and Debt Restructuring
- Medical Bill Relief
- Nondischargeable Debts
- Post-Bankruptcy Creditor Violations
- Repossession
- Wage Garnishment
- Video Center
Video Transcripts
- Kingcade Garcia McMaken - Attorney Profile | Video Transcript
- Kingcade Garcia McMaken - Bancarrota | Video Transcript
- Kingcade Garcia McMaken - Bankruptcy | Video Transcript
- Kingcade Garcia McMaken - Bankruptcy Attorney | Video Transcript
- Kingcade Garcia McMaken - Chapter 7 | Video Transcript
- Kingcade Garcia McMaken - Debt Relief | Video Transcript
- Kingcade Garcia McMaken - FDCPA | Video Transcript
- Kingcade Garcia McMaken - Filing Bankruptcy | Video Transcript
- Kingcade Garcia McMaken - Foreclosure | Video Transcript
- Kingcade Garcia McMaken - Office Overview | Video Transcript
- Kingcade Garcia McMaken - Perfil del Abogado | Video Transcript