Even though the recession has taken its toll on Florida residents, many people have tried get their finances under control. However, it appears that women are more willing than men to seek debt relief help with their financial problems. But what causes this interesting difference?
For the past decade, the women who seek debt relief help tend to be the heads of the household, the ones handling the finances and the debt. These women are typically single mothers, divorced women and women who have taken over when their husbands lost their jobs.
According to 2009 statistics, almost 900,000 Florida households had a woman as the head of the household. This is three times as many as led by men. Being the head of the household has placed substantial pressure on women to be mother, homemaker, breadwinner and accountant, paying the bills and making financial decisions. On the other hand, it has offered them freedom to take control of their finances and to figure out how they can obtain financial security.
Although there is no clear reason as to why women tend to seek debt relief help more than men, some point to economics. When women are the heads of the household, they earn and save less money than other families. This can lead to more debt. With more debt, it makes sense that women would need more help.
Gender psychology most likely also plays a role. As women are more likely to ask for directions than men, so are they more likely to seek debt relief help.
Whether you are male or female, if you are struggling with substantial debt you should seek help to learn about your options. But be weary of scam-artists who are lurking everywhere in hopes of making matters even worse. Often an experienced Florida bankruptcy attorney is the best person to ask about financial struggles.
Source: The Orlando Sentinel, “More women than men seek help with personal debt, credit counselors find,” Richard Burnett, 21 July 2011